Straighten up your back – Top 10 best back Exercises

 When it comes to workouts and exercise, everybody wants perfect abs, strong shoulders, and a broad chest neglecting the back muscles. Back pain is common in today’s fast-paced life Day today as we are becoming dependent on technologies and amenities, we are inviting so many diseases. Most people have desk jobs and they work for hours sitting in a bad posture.

This gives rise to many back problems. Back pains are very miserable. Certain activities can lead you to severe back injuries such as lifting anything suddenly or improperly or making an improper movement resulting in muscle spasms and injuries. It is important to strengthen your back by performing exercises so that the muscles become flexible and can resist strain and injuries.

Before starting any exercise, it is important to know about the muscles it focuses on. Major muscles in the back are –

  • Latissimus dorsi or lats
  • Rhomboids
  • Trapezius or traps
  • Erector spine


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