Different types of Yoga: A way to Discover yourself

 Yoga is an archaic practice that involves meditation, body movements, and breathing techniques that help mental and physical well-being. It is a spiritual discipline. The word ‘yoga’ is derivative from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’, meaning ‘to join or to unite’.

Over 5000 years ago, the practice of yoga was beginning and it was during the time of Indus -Sarasvati civilization in Northern India. Initially, in Rig Veda that is a collection of texts consisting of rituals, mantras, and songs yoga was mentioned, which was mainly used by Brahmans, the Vedic priests.

Over the few decades, yoga was considered to be the practice of spiritual self-realization. It was practiced to overcome several types of suffering leading to ‘the state of liberation (Moksha) or ‘freedom’ (kaivalya).

Yoga in an old day was practiced as to connect humans with elements of nature like the sun, water, air, and earth. According to the scripture and beliefs, Lord Shiva is the father of Yoga.

In the present times, the practice of yoga begins with the body through the aspect of Asana. Today a wide range of yoga is practiced with differing purposes and that brings calmness within ourselves. It is a discipline that includes asana (postures) and meditation derived from some of the philosophies and teachings.

There are many styles of yoga that focus on strength, agility, and breathing. A person can choose a style based on their goal and fitness level.


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