Abs and Core Exercise


We all grew up watching Bollywood movies and these movies made us fall in love with six-pack abs and a perfect body. There are many who actually are unaware of the difference between abs and core. The abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis) are those which give a six-pack look whereas the core involves all of those abdominal muscles in addition to all of the muscles of the pelvic girdle and lower back.

When the entire core workout is done, it helps in stabilizing the spine, relieves back pain, and protects against future injuries. A strong core helps in keeping the torso in a stable position, whether you are moving or playing, or doing any chore. A strong core gives more strength to the limbs therefore will help you make better in sports.

There are a variety of exercises for a core workout. They are flexing and stretching the spine, extending the hips, and twisting the trunk. Plank variations and the exercises in which the spine is still and while the arms and legs are moving are ideal for a core workout.

Before starting, you should always know about the anatomy of your body and know which part of your body you are working on and what results it will give.

1. Upper abs

To target your upper abs, you need to do activities that include pulling your chest towards your pelvis. For this, try lying on your back with arms aside and lift your upper body, arms, and one leg at once making a V- shape.

2. Middle abs

Workout for middle abs is done by bringing your pelvis and ribcage closer. Lie down with legs stretched out and feet together and extend your arms above your head. Tilt your pelvis forward and maintain this position forming a straight line.

3. Lower abs

Lower abs are responsible to maintain the strength of the whole core. For making lower abs strong, lie on your back with heels near your hips. Lift your shoulders and reach down to touch your right heel with your left hand and left heel with your left hand.


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